In some ways, they feel better suited to group play than the Barb. I have leveled a couple of Crusaders to 70 through Season play, and they’re an interesting mix of doling out punishment and absorbing a lot of it without going down. If that sounds more your speed, then the Crusader might just be for you. And it’s a class which has a very strong kit of abilities reminiscent of the Diablo 2 Paladin - but with a more martial, zealous flavor.

It’s a class whose resource is similar but less spiky than Barbs. It’s a class that can still deal out the melee damage but which also focuses more on surviving.

The Crusader is a bit tankier than Barbarians. We’ve covered the basics for the Barbarian class in Diablo 3 already - but what if Barbarian doesn’t do it for you? What class would? Why not the Crusader class?