The hacker will also often send spoofed emails from an email address that is very alike to the true email address, for example, the true address is and the hacker will communicate using – did you spot the difference? Hacker then intercepts all emails between the parties and the law firm and waits for a typical property conveyance or settlement.Of particular risk are the accounts which hold administrative privileges. These details allow a hacker to enter the system, usually with no outward signs it has occurred.

Staff member clicks on a link and enters some personal details, such as an email address and / or password under the guise of ‘authorising your account’.Typically, the following steps will occur (or some variation thereof): Vincents are seeing an increase in email accounts being infiltrated by hackers, with no obvious signs that the account is compromised, who then manipulate communications with clients to divert funds to their own accounts. Professional firms, particularly those using Office 365 in the cloud are being targeted by motivated hackers. By Daniel Hains How do you know that you can trust your emails?